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I was very happy to go to the ELSC and improve my English every day. Native English teachers will teach you very kindly and politely, so you can enjoy learning English without getting nervous. There are many English books so you can study grammar. You will find that you will like English more as you talk. Please use the ELSC positively.
Yu Saito (Graduated in 2024, Department of Applied Chemistry)
五十嵐 優翔(2024年卒 電気電子通信工学科)
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I started attending the ELSC after the pandemic of my sophomore year of college. I went to the ELSC because I was a little interested in speaking English, and I wanted to be able to talk with native English speakers. From there, I was hooked and spent almost every day at the ELSC during my sophomore and junior years. I found the ELSC very attractive because I could talk with native teachers and listen to different accents. I would like to continue to study at the ELSC for a long time.
Yuto Igarashi (Graduated in 2024, Department of Electrical, Electronics and Communication Engineering)
私はそれまで全く英語が話せませんでした。しかし「机の上で参考書を広げて勉強していても 英語を話せるようになることはない 」と思い、本場のアメリカへ一人旅に行きました。そこからの経験や出会いから現在でも毎日、英語学習に取り組んでいます。もし本気で英語を話せるようになりたいと思うのであれば、参考書を使い一人で勉強するのではなく、ELSCでネイティブの先生方とたくさん話しましょう。そして日本だけで学ぶのではなく、海外へ留学して下さい。留学のチャンスを掴むことができれば、きっとあなたの人生は大きく変わるでしょう。期待しています。
雨野暉 (2019年卒 創造システム工学科)
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My English learning began with an encounter with Professor Yasuhiro Ikezoe, a professor of the Department of Applied Chemistry. When I was in my 3rd year at university, I was assigned to the long-sought after Ikezoe laboratory, and I heard from him how he worked at the Department of Chemistry at the City University of New York, but for me, I had only lived in Japan. Professor Ikezoe's story about his time in New York was very exciting. One day, I started thinking, "I want to go to New York too!" And so I traveled to New York alone for a week during the summer vacation of my 3rd year.
I couldn't speak English at all at that time. However, I thought, "Even if I spread the reference books on my desk and study, I will not be able to speak English," so I went on a solo trip to the United States. From the experience and encounters from there, I am still working on learning English every day. If you really want to be able to speak English, talk a lot with native teachers at the ELSC instead of studying alone with a reference book. And don't just study in Japan, study abroad. If you can seize the opportunity to study abroad, your life will surely change.
Saitama Prefecture Study Abroad Program by Mr Ameno (links to a site in Japanese)
Study abroad report (links to a site in Japanese)
Akira Ameno (Graduated in 2019, Department of Innovative Systems Engineering)
八木 宜明(2017年卒、機械工学科)
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I have many friends from all over the world, such as the USA, the UK, Australia, Indonesia, Singapore, France, Philippines and China. That's because the ELSC gave me the opportunity to study English and study abroad. While I was in college, I had a lot of fun talking and playing English games during lunch, which is a very good memory.
Nobuaki Yagi (Graduated in 2017, Department of Mechanical Engineering)
卒業後7年が経過しましたが、大学の時に英語を勉強しておいて本当によかったと思う毎日です (異性にモテる、会社での評価・昇給が高い、世界の視点で物事を考えられる等々、恩恵は多岐にわたります)。
上野 裕太 (2014年卒 システム工学専攻)
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About a year and a half after I entered this university (NIT), I started visiting the ELSC. I had a longing for going overseas and wanted to improve my English to a level that I was satisfied with by the time I graduated, so I always studied at the ELSC between classes.
It's been over seven years since I graduated, and I'm really glad I studied English when I was in college. The benefits are wide-ranging.
It is said that life is 100 years old, but "what you learned" in your 4th year of college will greatly affect your future life. If you have any interest in English, take the courage to open the ELSC door and take a look. Life will change.
Yuta Ueno (Graduated in 2014, Department of Innovative Systems Engineering)